Organ Academy 2025

Academy and Teachers 2024
Orientation 2 - 2024
Orientation 2024
Messiah Lutheran Church - Spokane
Academy and Teachers 2024
Maria and Joey
St. Augustine Church - Spokane
Saturday Practice
Clark at St. Augustine
Joey at Beautiful Savior
Central Lutheran Church - Spokane
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Welcome to Organ Academy 2025!

We are excited to get to know you and share the fun of making organ music with you.


Surge iuvenes organistae!



The American Guild of Organists – Spokane Chapter presents an opportunity for piano students, ages 10 to 20, to receive instruction in organ playing for only $10 per lesson (total $100). The program engages young musicians and sparks their musical imaginations through experiencing the joy of playing fine music on the King of Instruments.



The program takes place at various regional church locations. It culminates in a public recital on the instrument at Central Lutheran Church/City Covenant. Organ specification.



Saturday, January 25, 9:00 a.m. through a public recital Sunday, April 27, 3:00 p.m.





First Organ BookFirst Organ Book, ed. by Wayne Leupold. This book is loaned to students by the American Guild of Organists – Spokane Chapter. At the end of the ten lessons, if students decide to continue studying, the book may be purchased at a reduced price. Otherwise, it is returned to the chapter for use by future students.


Organ Shoes

Organ ShoesOrgan shoes are advisable, but not required. Plan to wear a light-weight shoe with a smooth sole. Organ shoes are not meant to be worn outside where they can pick up dirt and gravel; the smooth sole facilitates pedal technique and prevents pedalboard damage. A temporary alternative is stocking feet, although shoes provide more support.

Organ shoes are basically ballroom “Jazz” shoes. One can find them locally – and actually try them on, which is a good idea – or order online:

Women: shoes with wide, normal heels are best. Stylish, shaped, spiked heels will give you problems. Note heels pictured on the Organmaster website.


Lessons & Fee

LessonsEach student receives ten lessons from an assigned teacher. Also, students may participate in optional Saturday practice sessions at different churches. Academy fee of $100.00 is payable in advance to American Guild of Organists – Spokane Chapter when registering online or by check at the January 25 orientation meeting.



PracticeStudents practice at home on piano or keyboard. Personal practice time on an organ can be arranged at a local church. Added value, optional Saturday practice sessions are held throughout the term at different churches. These give students experience on different types of organs, and provide opportunities for students to know each other.



All Saturdays except April 27 public recital.


Organ Academy Registration Link


Saturday Practice Sign Up will be active soon.

Saturday Practice sign up sheet button


Surge iuvenes organistae!



Important Notes

  • Parent/guardian must remain on-site during lessons and practice sessions if student is under 16 years of age.

  • Academy fee of $100.00 is payable in advance to American Guild of Organists – Spokane Chapter when registering online or by check at January 25 orientation meeting.



2024 Recital Program

For your interest, download and view the 2024 recital program!



Academy Directors

Janet Ahrend DMA

Janet Ahrend, DMA, academy teacher and chair, holds a Bachelor of Music Degree in Organ from the University of Idaho, and Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts Degrees in Organ from the University of Washington. She received further training at the Royal School of Church Music in England.

Ahrend has served as guest instructor for the Royal School of Church Music Summer School held in Perth, Western Australia. She is on the faculties of Gonzaga University, Whitworth University, and Eastern Washington University as Adjunct Instructor of Organ. Ahrend has served as co-dean of the American Guild of Organists-Spokane Chapter. She is a member of the PEO Sisterhood.

From 1990 to 1993, Ahrend served on the hymnal committee for the United Church of Christ, helping to produce the New Century Hymnal. She has spent her life working in churches, serving as organist for Methodist, Congregational, Roman Catholic, and Episcopal congregations. From 1997 to 2014, she was organist-choirmaster for the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Spokane, Washington, where she also directed the handbell choir. She maintains a private piano and organ studio in her home.

Ahrend was ordained pastor of Plymouth Congregational Church in Spokane, Wash., in May, 2019.

Carolyn Payne  Music and support for the arts has always been an important part of Carolyn Payne’s life. Her motto, “We can do this!” has resulted in some projects which have opened opportunities for significant things to happen. The Spokane AGO’s Organ Academy is just one. Responding in the 1960s to a Crusade for Strings project of the National Federation of Music Clubs, she worked to re-establish string instruction in the public schools in Caldwell, Idaho. After moving to Spokane, she was president of the Spokane Youth Symphony.

Payne has been a Lutheran church organist/choir director for over 70 years. She played cello in the College of Idaho-Community Orchestra for 25 years and taught piano and cello students. Musical organizations she belongs to include American Guild of Organists, Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, and Friday Musical. She has served as chairman of Pipe Organ Encounter (POE), Regional AGO Convention co-chairman and three terms as dean of the AGO – Spokane Chapter.

In 1975, she and her husband Frank helped sponsor Vietnamese refugees who have become like family to them. This has led to involvement with Lutheran Community Service. She served as president of the National Kidney Foundation of Washington—one of her daughters has survived a kidney transplant for 54 years. She worked as office manager for Ernst and Payne, Inc., commercial construction company for 20 years, which she and her husband owned and operated. And they are loving parents of seven children.

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